Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.

Age 33, Male

In between colleges

New York

Joined on 6/25/12

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Belthagor's News

Posted by Belthagor - 5 days ago

When I was four I asked my father if we could go on TV. It was a very long time ago 1994 and very few people know about it. I doubt any place other than few people in Sofia would remember. I spoke although it was for a short time and I clearly remember one part which I can share.

It was the second time I had said it. "When something is newer people don't know how to think because they aren't used to it. They need more time to catch up to something older." I asked the show host to think of something new but not too new and share it with me that people have made as a species. He replied in Bulgarian language "Cars." I thought about cars for a bit and asked if they would need to make noise. He told me they have horns for preventing problems. I did not know much about the world so I said that this is a good thing because all the people in the area can hear sound.

For a small 30 second pause it seemed like something that required so little intellect to think about that he would eventually say this may mildly harm people's ears. He may have been about to and he may not have but I continued speaking.

I said that maybe this noise disciplines people. Many people listen to music for long periods of time then they hear the sound of the world which wakes them out of their coma. I continued by asking if people usually drive near their local area or far away and added that if there are many traffic problems in the area then maybe it may mean that stores aren't doing as well economically because people are thinking less. Maybe they improve with time.

We took a very long pause and my father spoke for a moment saying only one sentence "Nikoi ne moje da razbere kak dete misle." [No one can understand how a child thinks.]

The announcer said "Dimitar Rouynekov" as an end to the show.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this memory. I just wanted to share it. Very few people read my posts on the internet.. I get that. Yet it's something of value. Memories are precious and we can learn from them.

Some of the very few people watching it. Well one peron a few days later drove his car on the street while I was walking on the sidewalk and he honked his horn every 5 seconds for a minute then stopped even though it was the only car on the street which I heard as the car moved into the distance. Then he stopped. I write this last part just to say that we should be responsible and not careless.

Posted by Belthagor - 5 days ago

When I was young one of our favorite stores replaced churros is with these big soft fresh baked cookies. I'm not the best at business but I asked how easy it is to find a box of cookies in nearly any store there is compared to how difficult it is to find churros is. As many of you are aware.. The same thing has happened recently.. Though we are in luck. Subway sells them now. :)

Post Scriptum.

On a positive note most of the cookie boxes have very hard cookies and I'm older now so I can say more. How difficult is it to find a cookie that is very soft and hot at the same time at an affordable price.

It's up to you.

Posted by Belthagor - 6 days ago

When I was young I thought for a bit about the anatomy of the bag me and my parents carried laundry in to the laundromat.

I decided to place the whole bag in the machine with the opening of the bag forwards; open position and then pull the ends of the bag toward me. [Pulling the tips of the outer side of the bag with one hand while pushing the clothing inward.]

It's an easier way to do your laundry because you don't need to hold something heavy with one hand while placing individual clothes inside the machine. You can place all of them with one movement.

I really don't know how far this post will go. It works for most types of clothes unless you have a thick carpet inside or something like that.

Apologies for my horrible drawing skills. They will improve with time.


Posted by Belthagor - 7 days ago

That: There are people from various countries and each of us are different. No two people are alike. I think it shows during one thing: Hot and cold weather.

I'm from Bulgaria and for many years global warming did not affect climate during summer. Our city despite being a city is very rural and had tall trees next to the sidewalk the whole path for miles.

I went during summer and it felt colder than the US so I've developed some cold resistance in winter.

As I've learned in Medical School: The body tries to stay the same which is called homeostasis. If you have both hot and cold climate moments this weakens the body towards the next season yet I never had that except in summer years later in both Bulgaria and the US.

I was sitting on my balcony and I saw a bunch of people pass by. Some had coats. Some men just wore thick sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and a hat with hands in the pockets.

Many men like cold weather and many don't. Many women like warm weather and some don't.

I personally could trot through the snow with proper attire for hours and never slip on ice. I sweat so much during summer that it reaches my mouth sometimes.

A person who walked out of our building; a close friend. I told them the short version of this yet he's from Spain which is warmer so I'm thinking when he comes back from work if I see him I should explain it in the comfort of our lobby. (Or in my apartment over some hot coffee.)

I only have one last thing to say: Do you think all the people from different origins could learn from each-other during the different extreme seasons? E.G. How to never slip on ice and for me how to handle the heat in the summer?

It's actually kind of embarrassing if I met a woman that I could have just for me the way she would look at me during the summer if we went to eat somewhere or did something together. A bit of a personal detail for me but anyway. I used to have to wipe sweat off my nose so it doesn't go in when I breathe which is mildly annoying yet does not reach the lungs. I've learned a bit how to solve that.

Post Scriptum: The thing I like about it is that I don't sweat. My hair stays dry and doesn't look like it's glued to my head.

Post Post Scriptum: I think there's one thing everyone can agree on. That whether you like cold or hot weather when it's cold everyone likes to turn the heat on and drink something hot in their apartment with family after a long time walking somewhere.

P.P.P.S. I guess I could write it here. When there's ice the easiest thing to do is adjust the way a person walks into a more downward motion than forwards; like stomping forward. This almost completely makes ice lose its ability to make you slip on it because no one can slip from a downward movement.

Posted by Belthagor - 10 days ago

When I was young and living in the US I asked my father something. If he could take me to some place with a very tall ceiling.

We went outside and got on the train and he took me to a museum and looked around including upwards.

After about 20 minutes I told him "It's not bad but I can think of something better." As we had smartphones which I think are a major improvement I looked up the location of the nearest Church and surprisingly there was one nearby.

We went inside and stood near the middle.

I told him I want him to do something. "Look up at the large tall half-sphere dome." He looked up and then looked at me and smiled.

For some reason I think when we are in a place with a very tall ceiling it has an effect when you look up that boosts your confidence. You see a large space between you and the ceiling and feel like everyone can hear you. We lit candles and sat and left shortly after.

The last thing I told him is that even though it has this effect we should remember to look down most of the time.

Posted by Belthagor - 12 days ago

I've written lots of memories here. Sometimes I get discouraged so I delete some of them.

Posted by Belthagor - 2 weeks ago

When I was young before arriving in the US I had asked my father what the most important thing in life is. He replied in Bulgarian language "To have a plan."

I overheard my parents speaking about my discussion with him. My mother replied "Some people don't have a plan even in their 30s."

Posted by Belthagor - 2 weeks ago

I remember when my father and I decided to purchase groceries. I noticed a new product called ranch dressing. I asked my father why you would put this in a salad... it's like a sauce.. who would actually buy this?

He said that the reason people buy it is because when you apply dressing to a salad with many different veggies in it -the Ranch Dressing makes your digestive system take in more vitamins and nutrients from the food that you eat (It only works with vegetables.)

His favorite was hidden valley ranch crispy by the way. I wanted to write this memory from my youth in memory of him.

Posted by Belthagor - 2 weeks ago

When I was young my father and I spoke. He only said one thing. "If you don't use your talent you lose your talent."

It made sense to me.


Posted by Belthagor - 1 month ago

When I was young I was walking outside nearby by myself and I noticed a [vending] machine the made coffee on the street. I asked a person if the cups should be larger while not containing too much caffiene. He asked me why. "Toplina" [Warmth.] (This was during winter in Bulgaria.)

The next thing I asked him is: How much energy does it take to boil a bit more water anyway?

And I was right. Until adding a certain amount of water to a pan for example which me and my mother tried by boiling water and timing it afterward there is a peak and then a fall (meaning that the time gets exponentially longer to boil the water.)

So you see. Aside from all the business reasons. Winter and I were a small part of the reason for this. [In Bulgaria]

Post Scriptum:

The last thing I told my mother is: Sugar is small. Ground instant coffee is small. The vending machine doesn't have water in it: It comes through a pipe in the ground. The only thing we would have to change is replace milk with something that takes up less space.. Cream.

Post Post Scriptum: The last and final thing I asked her is if the larger portion would prevent the ingredients from spoiling. She replied "Coffee and sugar can't spoil."