Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.

Age 34, Male

In between colleges

New York

Joined on 6/25/12

Exp Points:
6,234 / 6,400
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6.59 votes
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1y 7m 25d

Belthagor's News

Posted by Belthagor - January 2nd, 2021

Hello everyone. There's evil afoot. "But I have a theory... People talk loud when they want to act smart, right? So if we play loud, people might think were good..."


This film on newgrounds linked below contains copyrighted photographs, cropped photographs in the animation, and I am entirely sure that photographs are not allowed on newgrounds but I may be a bit wrong on that part... let's flag it, shall we?

@Psychopath @solitonmedic @spider @Wavepad @Hikari @crankbait @NEOSLAYRE @Keisok @Skater @ExodusTerminator @kirs10 @legomarios @etriuswimbleton @exedor @Radaketor @mad-spyke @DoctorStrongbad @kompibutut @subspacer @larrynachos @civilies @CGA-999 @DOTGaming @Viper @belthagor @KillerSkull @Suprememessage @lexahergon @EDM364 @Bit @cynicalcontroller @NightRaid-NG @centaurora @spyperz @cank @FastbootsZA @cyberdevil @donno576 @SF-Productions @poopmcfarts @dizzyds @arcticfox2100 @TribesofHalo @Alias @draxobox @demonic-overmind @Phenom9 @karsys @SB-Anims @Oddlem @botnot435 @1DarkVoid @Jackho @TaintedLogic @KingiOgh @apocolypse101 @akin11 @Nimhster2 @TheQualityFoot @OneThousandMeeps @BreadEater @IVOanimations


Posted by Belthagor - July 5th, 2020


What's Pikachu about to do?! :O

(Yes I know this is badly drawn/has major problems in it.)



Posted by Belthagor - July 2nd, 2020


Posted by Belthagor - June 12th, 2020


Posted by Belthagor - February 9th, 2019

Hello everyone. After a long conversation, and multiple people's input, I have decided to revolutionize chess using open source code and having a programmer modify it a bit. I will use some music as well on loop as a background to the game.

I could explain the whole concept, but that would be long and boring, so here is a picture that says a thousand words.


And for those of you who would prefer for me to write it out...

In this version of chess, there will be three boards, combined into one, horizontally, and three times the amount of pieces. *The goal is to perform one checkmate on any of the three kings to win.* Group up on one side of the board, but don't leave yourself too defenseless on another.

All feedback welcome.


Posted by Belthagor - January 27th, 2019




Posted by Belthagor - December 16th, 2018

Alright everyone, a few people were saying that my interviews were too generic, so instead of copying the questions the same way I have been doing, I asked a bunch of different ones.

Here we go!

I'll start with question 1, and btw you have unlimited time to answer these.
How did you make up your username?
(Btw I usually ask the same questions for everyone, but a few people were complaining that it's too generic, so I am going to ask you some unique ones too.)

-I don't really know how I came up with my username. MajorMusic just seemed to work well.

What instuments do you play?

-Piano, cello, and flute.

I should probably ask, which one of the three instruments are you best at? :3


Are there any composers you like?

-My top five favorite composers are: Beethoven Mozart Chopin Liszt Bach

That's in order of most favorite to least favorite?


What kind of piano do you use?

-In my apartment I have an electric piano, but my parents have a baby grand at their house that I often use when I visit them.

Super cool!
Lets see, what else should I ask....
Do you think I am an awesome person? =)


What else do you want me to ask you?

-I don't know.

That is the most outstanding answer I have ever heard.

What kind of music do you like to make the most? Ex: Classical, Jazz, other.

-I'm classically trained, so I'm most comfortable with classical music, however, I am open to going outside my comfort zone if a client requests it of me.
I have written rock, jazz, and even pop music before.

What kind of music do you like to listen to the most?

-I generally listen to classical and cinematic music, but I'm also a huge fan of alternative and classic rock. Some of my favorite bands are Queen, the Rolling Stones, the Beetles, Imagine Dragons. 21 Pilots, and the Beach Boys.

-Do you like to listen to men or women singing more?

-I don't really care so long as they have a good voice.

Idk what else to ask...
Oh right.
Do I have your permission to post the interview on newgrounds on my newspage.

-Of course.
-How else am I going to get people to view my page?

Okay, I'm going to edit it a little bit, for grammar on my part.
Everything will be the same.


Posted by Belthagor - December 3rd, 2018


Posted by Belthagor - August 26th, 2018


Made by Belthagor, Chazdude and DoctorStrongbad

Coming October 31, 2018 to a Newgrounds near you.

Edit: And if I am not available during that date to upload it, I have asked our great Lord Tom Fulp to click the publish button on that date.


Posted by Belthagor - August 21st, 2018

Okay so the first thing you would want to do is: Make sure it's around summertime cause that's the best time to work with cement. Never try this in the winter.

Last I checked 50 pound cement bags are about 10$, but this was a decade ago, prices may have changed slightly. You will still get a lot of bang for your buck if you go this route, so I recommend buying one if you have a place to store 50 pounds of cement.

If you are low on space like me, or don't want to carry a 50 pound bag of cement home from the hardware store, there is also the option of buying fast-dry cement (self explanatory), in a small 15 pound size bucket. Either way, store the cement, sealed, in a dry place, where it absolutely can't get wet.

Do not mix cement with water in the sink.

I feel I need to say this for some people, just in case. Your sink will get clogged if you do, as the cement hardens in the pipes. So will your bathtub if you decide to do it there.

The best place to mix cement with water is outdoors. The temperature should be hot but not too hot, as the cement will form cracks from hardening too quickly. Wear gloves and protective goggles.

I recommend using foam core (styrofoam with paper on both sides) as the material for your cast. It is easy to remove when the cement hardens inside. Do not use tape, except on outside layer of the foam core. Tape will leave imprints on the cement while it is hardening which will look very ugly, if you do.

Do measurements for the foam core, and draw lines where you will cut with a pencil or pen. Take your time. 1 inch thickness/scale is good for pure cement castings. Draw up a plan on paper or on computer, and use lots of numbers, height, length, width, before drawing on the foam and cutting/glueing the foam core. Your mold should be finished before you mix cement. I recommend a box cutter for cutting the styrofoam.

The best thing you can use for a cast is starch-based glue. (There are a couple ways to make it, google can help.) Glue seems weak but it will leave a nice smooth finish to the cement. Starch based glue is tougher than most other glues.

If you made a model previously, do not put your model inside of the cement.

Gradually add cement mixed with water (using a stick and bucket) to the inside of the foam while doing this until full. Pour it all in one session, but not all at once. You might want to lightly tap the sides of the foam with a hammer while pouring cement in, so the cement falls and it is tight and compact. You will also need a cover depending on what you are making, made of styrofoam, for the top of the cast, so the cement doesn't leak out. After filling with cement put the cover on top, and something heavy to keep it in place.

Cement should be evened from hardening. You can sand it down to make it even afterwards, however it will leave a coarseness to the material when touching it.

A good way to start if you have no ideas on what to make would be:

Take a large cardboard (usually called a plastic cup but it's really made of cardboard, idk why they named it that.)cup, and a smaller or same size cardboard cup. Start mixing cement with water in a bucket you can throw away, outside of your building, and then fill a small area, around 1 inch deep with cement mixture. put the smaller cup on top of the mixture and fill the sides with more cement until full to a little below the brim of whichever cup is lower height. This is just to make sure the cement doesn't expand upward and leak out of the outer cup, Tape the top of the two cups, tight, with strong tape together, since if the cement is hardening it will push the smaller cup upward, ruining the cast without the tape on it. Wait a few days for fast cement to dry, and a longer period of time for regular cement. You now have a vase.

Lastly be sure to clean up and wash your hands. Wash any cement off of you before it hardens. Use plenty of water to get it off.

P.S. IF temps are really hot, fast cement needs cooling while it hardens. Heck, even regular cement needs cooling. For a large concrete building, this would be done by spraying the outside with cold water occasionally. For a small cast I would recommend wrapping it in a bunch of wet newspapers. Leave a bunch of dry newspapers at the bottom, and point a fan at it. Don't do this if you have pets, or don't have a safe place in your house where you can leave the project. Leave it on the floor, not somewhere high up, because it could fall and make a mess. And definitely leave it somewhere you will not be walking around.

Here is a cast I made


@Troisnyx Please comment! xD (I know this is a very long newspost. I spent a lot of time making it shorter.)