Alright, so you're fresh out of high school and can begin indulging on the journey of protein drinks, whether made in a blender or pre-made from the store. Here are some things you can do to increase your muscle gain and endurance.
Step one: Buy a protein shake from the store and use it before you work out.
If Step one is getting you nowhere with gaining results... it's time for Step 2: Look up on certified fitness websites how to make a better protein shake and try doing that.
Of course... extreme times call for extreme measures so it's time for Step 3:
Step 3: If store brought shakes are failing you, and you've tried every fitness website with minimal gains... it's time for extreme measures.
Go to your local gym and look for the biggest guy possible whom is lifting 200+ pounds whether benching or other exercise such as a squat or deadlift. While he isn't looking... carefully, with attention to detail... borrow the contents of his protein shake in the place he left his plastic bottle. Leave a five dollar bill beneath the plastic bottle as I do not endorse stealing. This may be helpful, especially the next step. You've got a thirty minute head start until the guy finishes lifting. Run. Run like you've never ran before. Pump those legs. No stopping even if a beautiful woman looks at you admiring your physique during the summer while she's wearing short and a sports bra. Run like a gazelle and don't look behind you because it will make your movement slower. Continue running. Start to look back occasionally to see if anyone is running after you. Once you have reached a safe area, take a breath, rest on a bench and walk home. This concludes leg day... Also known as Bits and Leftovers Episode 3: Belthagor stop trying to beef up the police.
Mass tagging? Fuck the bloody hell off.