Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.

Age 33, Male

In between colleges

New York

Joined on 6/25/12

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When I was in High School and I walked through the street I noticed something wonderful about the way our bodies are made.

I would breathe in through my nose and breathe out which is mundane yet it's the way I did it that calmed me.

Some people have written about breathing in different ways as a form of meditation yet even regular breathing can be turned into that. When we breathe we do it subconsciously. Even so it's possible for a person to be conscious about their breath if they don't have a lot on their mind and it removes your thoughts about problems. While you breathe in you think to yourself "I'm breathing in. [Physically[" While you breathe out you think "I'm breathing out. [Physically]" I had to write it specifically this way because if you were to write the thought with words "I'm taking a breathe in and out" that you start thinking about numbers and math. It should be done as a thought that every breathe is the same during regular breathing that you breathe in and out. I don't really know how to explain it but it helped me deal with problems caused by other people that I'm not responsible for. It even helped me lower physical pain after it passed in the body and went in the brain as a form of healing the brain meaning preventing it from becoming weaker. It doesn't remove a problem and regardless of that you think less about the problem for a while and that helps you solve the problem later. Sometimes people feel that way when they're upset. They focus on their breath. This is entirely different. During the cold seasons and winter it helped me greatly. Not so much during summer.

Post Scriptum: After a sip of coffee the best way I can explain it is: "I'm breathing in [physically] and then "I'm breathing out [physically] and each time after.. the same words and the word "Again" "I'm breathing in [physically] again." "I'm breathing out [physically] again." And you keep doing that. Then I opened the door to my apartment and met my parents. Laid down for a bit and did homework and listened to music.

Post Post Scriptum: Sometimes while I did this I added another thought. That I'm doing it while [physically] walking as the steps pass on the sidewalk. It's very difficult to explain. It may be very easy to explain. I'm not really sure which.

Post Post Post Scriptum: There was an ultimate purpose behind this which I felt as I did it every day during the walk to school and back and all the other places that I've walked to that will bring joy to everyone. "I'm happy that I'm alive and I want to live long."

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