Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.

Age 33, Male

In between colleges

New York

Joined on 6/25/12

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When I was four I asked my father if we could go on TV. It was a very long time ago 1994 and very few people know about it. I doubt any place other than few people in Sofia would remember. I spoke although it was for a short time and I clearly remember one part which I can share.

It was the second time I had said it. "When something is newer people don't know how to think because they aren't used to it. They need more time to catch up to something older." I asked the show host to think of something new but not too new and share it with me that people have made as a species. He replied in Bulgarian language "Cars." I thought about cars for a bit and asked if they would need to make noise. He told me they have horns for preventing problems. I did not know much about the world so I said that this is a good thing because all the people in the area can hear sound.

For a small 30 second pause it seemed like something that required so little intellect to think about that he would eventually say this may mildly harm people's ears. He may have been about to and he may not have but I continued speaking.

I said that maybe this noise disciplines people. Many people listen to music for long periods of time then they hear the sound of the world which wakes them out of their coma. I continued by asking if people usually drive near their local area or far away and added that if there are many traffic problems in the area then maybe it may mean that stores aren't doing as well economically because people are thinking less. Maybe they improve with time.

We took a very long pause and my father spoke for a moment saying only one sentence "Nikoi ne moje da razbere kak dete misle." [No one can understand how a child thinks.]

The announcer said "Dimitar Rouynekov" as an end to the show.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this memory. I just wanted to share it. Very few people read my posts on the internet.. I get that. Yet it's something of value. Memories are precious and we can learn from them.

Some of the very few people watching it. Well one peron a few days later drove his car on the street while I was walking on the sidewalk and he honked his horn every 5 seconds for a minute then stopped even though it was the only car on the street which I heard as the car moved into the distance. Then he stopped. I write this last part just to say that we should be responsible and not careless.

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