what did you draw exactly?
what did you draw exactly?
Half-life the lambda symbol such a good game have you played it?
lambda logo link http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100327174546/half-life/en/images/d/dc/Lambda_logo.svg
Kind of funny, but how come only Dave's eyes appear strained?
Thanks :3
omg brilliant! What happens next? :D
Thank u :3
Very... unusual. :/
Kind of funny, good job, and really really well drawn as usual.
As always. :3
ice cream is delici....*passes out*
It's a nice joke but it could use more storyline.
AHH I watched it, help me to unwatch it! But seriously, good job drawing this although the joke was a bit strange.
genius, gotta be cautious around that fire character
truly amazing, has an apocalyptic feel to it
excellent! We really must team up... I have some great memories which deserve to be turned into comics
We shall see...
Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.
Age 34, Male
In between colleges
New York
Joined on 6/25/12