Q: I am glad you decided to fill out this interview TheDukeofJuke and let us know more about yourself.
A: Just your regular average Joe who goes by the same name actually...cause my name is Joe as well. The only thing that makes me different from any other ordinary person is that I treat music like eating, sleeping, and breathing. I can't live without it. Music is my lifeline.
Q: How did you make up your username?
A: It just sounded cool, in all honesty. It sounds like the guy who everybody knows walking down the street with a boombox all 90s style or hanging around the jukebox. Except he makes the music he plays as well. I had other usernames that I experimented with for awhile such as "PrototypeX17, Autopilot, and Average Joe." Though none of these names really described me that well and didn't really roll off the tongue.
Q: When did you start making music, how did it happen?
A: I've always had a fondness for video game music. My first video game soundtrack I ever heard was from G-Nome developed by 7th Level and composed by Chris Boardman. It was then followed by soundtracks like Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Bejeweled 2, Klonoa 1 and 2, Hitman: Codename 47, etc... I then found a site called Newgrounds and came across music by artists such as Waterflame, cornandbeans, ParagonX9, and other similar artists whom I adored. I found out that a lot of these artists used a program called Fl Studio.
And well...there you go. Fl Studio is the bomb. It really needs to incorporate mid-song time signature changes though.
If you're reading this Image-Line, first off...Why? Secondly: incorporate that shit into your DAW. Everyone needs this.
Q: Is there a certain message you want to give your audience in your works?
A: Eh...don't let your dreams be dreams? In all seriousness though, it takes an extreme amount of passion and dedication to become who you want to be. Don't stop until your reach that level. And once you reach that level...keep going. Also don't use too much reverb. That stuff can get addicting and make your music sound god-awful.
Q: Would you have any difficulty composing a certain type of music or genre?
A: Probably...dubstep really. It's a genre that requires the most attention to mixing out of any other genres I've worked with. And I don't really consider myself the king of mixing. I'm more the guy who writes the awesome melodies and chord progressions that are made out in my head and finally put into whatever program I decide to use for it. But I do pay better attention to mixing than I used to. Also orchestral stuff is something that requires a lot of attention. I mean just listen to the stuff you hear by guys like John Williams, Danny Elfman, Henry Mancini, and the other pros. I want that sound in my compositions, man.
Q: What programs/instruments/other things do you use?
A: I primarily use FL Studio for it's simple interface and ability to increase productivity and it's actually got some pretty awesome default plugins.
Harmor, Sytrus, Toxic Biohazard, etc... I'm looking to start using trackers at some point in the near future for the inspiration demoscene music has made on my life. My choice plugins are things like: EWQLSO Gold, and I dare say this...ReFX Nexus 2 for it's sickass pianos/plucks and other similar presets. Really organic stuff in that plugin. Also Harmor for being one of the most kickass image synthesis vsts. You can make a sound of you growling or going "Yai!" into a sick effect in a matter of minutes. I also use Synthmaster for my chiptune-type tracks along with vsts like Toxic Biohazard and Zeta+ 2. And Bleep is extremely useful for one shots/percussion/fx. If there's anything I love doing more than anything with my music. It's creating a track with presets I made from scratch. Pads would probably be my favorite sounds to make out of all. There's a magic in hearing a sound that evolves through time and also sounds harmonious at the same time. I'm just rambling at the point; but you can understand what I mean hopefully. I have some secret VSTs I use that I'd prefer to not say the names of since I make most of my signature sounds from them. Gotta keep some things a mystery, you know.
Q: Do you see music as a career?
A: Of course. Just gotta be at the right place at the right time. It helps to have an mp3 player with your works on it at the ready if you ever happen to come across a pro who would like to help you advance in the music world. The only reason I ever think of music and money in the same sentence is the fact that I'm trying to get me and my family out of the bad state we're in. Otherwise, I prefer to keep my music free to listen to.
Q: Are you working on anything right now? Tell us about it.
A: I'm currently working on a video game soundtrack for a best friend's game. It's currently in the alpha stages though. And not much has been done music-wise by me due to me needing to see the game close to it's finished state to get the feel of the atmosphere I need to compose my tracks at their best. I've made posts about working on albums before but none of them have been getting worked on too much, in all honesty. That will change at some point. I no longer post news about these sorts of things until it's close to being finished.
Q: Other comments?
A: You mean you want to hear more from me? I suppose I could say I really freaking love pie. Cause pizza counts as pie. And you can put damn-near anything on pizza. And coffee should just be called brain juice.