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Age 33, Male

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New York

Joined on 6/25/12

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Memory of losing unhealthy weight during high school

Posted by Belthagor - 1 day ago

As I mentioned before during my youth I was overweight. Sometimes I ate because I like the way food tastes and sometimes just from stress. And yet I lost that weight because I did something ingenious from my appetite.

When me and my parents would buy food I asked them regularly if we could buy a different pizza or a different chips and sweets. If we could cook something different. A few times we went to restuarants. We were poor and now I guess we're average but we went to places we could afford (mcdonalds.) After a short while I had tried everything on the menu and so did my parents because we ate the same thing together that we ordered. My father because he wanted me to learn how to be social during childhood asked me to make the order and pay the cashier.

I guess our brain and body tries to save us sometimes. Even a person with an extremely healthy appetite can become within normal ranges through their own appetite.

Because after a while I had eaten such a large variety of different tasting dishes and combinations of sodas and foods together I thought I would explain my speech that I made a long time ago. I was overstimulated through tasting so many things during my life. One day my mother was cooking. My father was annoyed with me by this point. And she just asked "Are you hungry?" And I answered "No." My father said loudly "Finally!"

I stopped drinking large amounts of fluids and lowered the amount of food I eat. Not exactly the amount but the frequency. And I was on the verge of being a teenager. So I started losing lots of weight. My heart increased with strength and stamina and durability because it wasn't overworked.

If I can give this advice to all overweight people worldwide it would be this. You are not that fat. And while you're young you should never deprive yourself of food. I don't know anything about psychology or the world in reality but I think from my experience many people's brains and bodies function the same way. At one point me and my parents even tried different breads at the bakery. And because the taste center in my brain had become so endowed my brain told me that it's time to stop. I've had enough of what I craved which wasn't food... it was to taste things and many people who have obesity think the same exact way in reality.

I think the US has done something great. The country has the largest amount of food production in the world but also the largest variety. When I was young I thought to myself that sometimes grocery stores fail because they also sell things that are expensive that taste richer or better. And yet very few people buy them. Then someone buys it and it's expired. Buying something with a higher price regularly will not harm your finances if it's only one thing that's not on the shopping list or two. But in time it could help you. People try different diets or weight loss programs with shakes that are pure chemistry. This is a negative way of thinking and yet for some people it works. Others gain the weight back soon after.

I gained a better body. I felt like a puma when I walked and when I re-introduced a bottle of cold water in my diet it even felt like a high because my body wasn't overloaded from fluids. I was athletic. Not that muscular but in great shape for my age. Water. A high for a person in great shape yet a legal high which lasts about 15 minutes since the moment you begin drinking a regular bottle of cold water and makes you feel a bit colder in your body instead of warming up which is a sign of unhealthiness. I even drank it quickly. And I never gained the weight back. If the body is overloaded with food and drink intake it digests things slower. If you lose the weight and are in tip-top shape you can even eat more food, because you have less mixture of stomach acid and fluids in your stomach while continuing to stay in tip top shape. You shouldn't increase frequency but more in one meal that leaves you feeling incredibly full.

If more people spend more money on food with a slightly bigger price then less stores end up going out of business. And I've noticed that when it happens and a new store is made in that area the prices of even regular bread are a bit more expensive. I'm not the best person at giving advice but I think we should listen to exactly what our minds and bodies say we need. You should eat as much as you feel you need and the food that you want to so that you can save your heart in the future by getting in shape.

As time passes and that happens I gained the philosophy that taste is a good thing but we should eat to live and not live to eat and it kept going. The only reason I went into the negative after college is loneliness. A bad reason.


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