Writer, Musician, and Animator of simple-drawn things.

Age 33, Male

In between colleges

New York

Joined on 6/25/12

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Memory of Speaking with my father in Bulgaria

Posted by Belthagor - 2 days ago

Throughout my life I've used a computer often. Usually I write intelligent posts. I've also played video games and listened to music. And I want to make this short speech based on a memory in Bulgaria.

When I was 4 years old I sang the song Boje which Skandau officially made into a song. The artists and my father and I met in the park near the garden and I asked them to reveal that I thought this up in 2025. Hopefully they'll fulfill their part.

I explained a small part of the song to my father. -That the world wants you to be in your soul fully digital.

What I meant by it is the following "Are we losing being human?"

I understand that many of us use technology such as a pc or smartphone or laptop. Many for long periods of time. And that's okay. But just as I told him after I saw the way he was using it and wore eyeglasses later. "You should control a computer. The computer shouldn't control you." What I meant by this is that it should be used to do productive things. Such as making content. It could be music or animations or even plain writing. Some of it can be leisure but it should be used to create. That people should be in control of their computer and make the instructions for what the computer should do for them; for them to gain something from using it; for the computer to work for them. I thought that many of the youth would have problems from using it without this mindset. Of course I have absolutely no knowledge of psychology or many things in society, and many other people don't even at age 33 so anything I write can be taken extremely lightly.

This is actually why I thought up eye movement technology to look at a woman's body that removes lust and also opens the world to us because we can look at buildings, stores, trees, plants such as roses, and many other things including the faces of the people around us for a moment while we walk. I wanted to unite Bulgaria so I thought this up.

A few days later while I was walking by myself I told a man in Bulgaria "I want to unite Bulgaria." He said I was intelligent and would make a good leader.

That's all for this speech.

Post Scriptum: I have mild eyesight problems but I wrote this to the best of my ability.

As for eyesight technology, which is a whole different thing, in the case it's being used maliciously and I'm reading something appropriate while others are not: I plan to read the whole thing outloud during a visit by some people; the next visit.

Post-Post Scriptum

I'm glad I'm able to write this normally by some miracle from God.


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