When I was young, still in Bulgaria, my father asked me something.
"Mislish li che nyakoi haresva da slusha musica ftori put?" [Do you think a person likes listening to [A song] a second time.
I was very young and I replied to him "Mojebi ako ima machina koiato mozhe da poftori pesentat za da smetnesh vreme. Pizza vsima triset minuti za da e gotova. Mojej da igraesh edna pesen koiato e tri minuti dulga decet puti -pizzata e gotova kato nyamash rabota vuv subota."
Maybe if there's a machine that can repeat a song so that you can calculate [measure] the time [that it takes to do something] Pizza takes 30 minutes to cook. You can play a song that is 3 minutes long ten times [on loop] -The pizza is done when you don't have work to do on a saturday.
He told me "Ne bi povyarval vuv kakfo si prevernal musica."
You wouldn't believe what you've turned music into.